NEWS! Hohtogolf Tullintori opens in Tampere 19.2.2025!

Valitse ja Book a game

Valitse haluamasi keskus ja siirry varaamaan.

For groups we recommend a booking. For single rounds you can arrive whenever you want during opening hours. You can also book a round of minigolf in advance, if you like. 

Hohtogolf for Redi

Löydät Helsingin toimipisteemme Kauppakeskus REDIstä.

➤ 3.krs, heti A-hissien vieressä

Hohtogolf for Tullintori

Löydät Tampereen toimipisteemme Kauppakeskus Tullintorilta.

➤ 0.krs

You can modify or cancel your booking afterwards using the link you receive with the booking confirmation. Please note that modifications or cancellations are possible only within certain time limits. Remember to check out our booking terms and conditions.